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  • • Nearly half of children in care have a mental health disorder
  • • 4.3 million children in the UK are living in poverty
  • • Nearly half of children in care have a mental health disorder
  • • 1.4 million children & young people have a probable mental health disorder
  • • 1 in 5 babies aren’t receiving their entitled health visiting check at one year old

Children at the Table

The next Prime Minister must be a champion for children.

Ahead of an upcoming general election, the UK’s five leading children’s charities – Action for Children, Barnardo’s, The Children’s Society, the National Children’s Bureau and NSPCC – have joined together. We want to make sure the next government has a plan to make decisions for babies, children and young people with children at the table.

CATT Charity Supporters

What does Children at The Table mean?

Making sure politicians across Government work together to improve the lives of babies, children and young people

Putting children’s needs and voices at the heart of decision making

Investing more of the nation’s wealth in babies, children and young people

Take action today

Children in the UK need your support to change the situation facing childhoods across the UK today. With your help we can show the next Government that ensuring all children have the chance to thrive, needs to be a priority.

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About the Children at the Table Campaign

Right now, 4.3 million children in the UK are growing up in poverty and one million are living in extreme poverty. It’s estimated that 1.4 million children have a mental health condition in England and are struggling to get access to the support they need.

For too long children’s voices have gone unheard. We have the chance to put their voices at the heart of decision making – to bring children to the table.

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Across all of our partners petitions, you’re joining together to take action and put children at the heart of the next Government. Thank you for signing.


Our supporters

We’re proud to have organisations supporting our call to make sure children are at the heart of the next government.

Become an organisational supporter

If you’re a charity or social enterprise who wants to add your valued support and voice to this campaign. Please fill out the quick form below to get in touch.


Politicians don’t understand us, say nation’s children